Advising Updates

CS Announcement for the Week of 3/3/2025

Two weeks until spring break!  

  1. There will be a Grad Fair at the University Book Center this week on Tuesday, March 4, & Wednesday, March 5, from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm. The event will provide an opportunity to purchase regalia, order announcements, and class rings. There will also be special pricing on diploma frames. Other services include custom doctoral regalia fittings, professional photography, and a young alumni travel agency. The event will feature giveaways, raffles, and light refreshments. More information can be found here.
  2. Registration dates will be available in Testudo on Friday, 3/7. This is not when you register for Fall classes, but when you will learn your registration date. If this is not your first semester in the CS Major, you will not need mandatory advising for your CS advising block to be lifted. For your block to be lifted, please submit the Google Form that your assigned advisor will send you on 3/12. If this is your first semester in the Computer Science Major, please schedule your Mandatory Advising appointment with your advisor.
  3. UCC Research Event Tomorrow, 3/4
  4. CSN will be sent out at 1pm today, check your TerpMail!
  5. To reach the undergraduate advising office, please use our new email address: csadvising-ugrad [at] umd [dot] edu