Advising Updates

CS Announcement for the Week of 3/24/2025

  1. Check your mid semester grades for CMSC courses when they are posted tomorrow, and reach out to your instructor/TA if you have any questions or concerns! (Your official grades link is available on the Testudo launch page). The last day to drop up to 4 credits with a W is April 11. 
  2. If this is your first semester in the CS major, you have mandatory advising! If this is not your first semester in the CS major, please submit your advisor’s permission request form for that block to be lifted. 
  3. Check your terpmail for CSN today!
  4. Please request your CS course permissions if you have not already!
  5. The CS 4xx Information Session is next Tuesday 4/1
  6. The Academic Planning Workshop is next Thursday 4/3

CS Announcement for the Week of 3/10/2025

  1. Your Computer Science Course Permission Request Form will be sent to your TerpMail address this Wednesday afternoon (03/12/2024). 
    1. Mandatory Advising Blocks for students who are not in their first semester of CS will be lifted through that form. 
    2. If you are in your first semester of the CS major, please schedule your Mandatory Advising meeting with your new advisor.
  2. The advising office will be closed Monday-Wednesday next week (03/17-03/19), and will operate remotely on the Thursday and Friday (03/20-03/21) of Spring Break.

CS Announcement for the Week of 3/3/2025

Two weeks until spring break!  

  1. There will be a Grad Fair at the University Book Center this week on Tuesday, March 4, & Wednesday, March 5, from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm. The event will provide an opportunity to purchase regalia, order announcements, and class rings. There will also be special pricing on diploma frames. Other services include custom doctoral regalia fittings, professional photography, and a young alumni travel agency. The event will feature giveaways, raffles, and light refreshments. More information can be found here.
  2. Registration dates will be available in Testudo on Friday, 3/7. This is not when you register for Fall classes, but when you will learn your registration date. If this is not your first semester in the CS Major, you will not need mandatory advising for your CS advising block to be lifted. For your block to be lifted, please submit the Google Form that your assigned advisor will send you on 3/12. If this is your first semester in the Computer Science Major, please schedule your Mandatory Advising appointment with your advisor.
  3. UCC Research Event Tomorrow, 3/4
  4. CSN will be sent out at 1pm today, check your TerpMail!
  5. To reach the undergraduate advising office, please use our new email address: csadvising-ugrad [at] umd [dot] edu

CS Announcement for the Week of 2/24/2025

1. Career Fair TODAY! 

2. From STEM Lecture to Lab Life: Pathways to Undergraduate Research

3. Check out recent research opportunity postings

4. Summer registration is open! Reach out to your advisor if you need CMSC course permissions for the summer sessions.


If you have enrolled in CMSC499A or have participated in the CS Departmental Honors Program in the current or previous semester, be on the lookout for our departmental research survey in your inbox today!

CS Announcement for the week of 2/17/2025

  1. Summer registration opens tomorrow. Please contact your assigned advisor to request permission if you are planning to register for any CMSC courses.
  2. Today, Tuesday, February 17, 2025, is the last day to apply for the Business Minors (11:59PM) 
  3. Career Fairs will take place the week of the February 24th, register now:
  4. Check out the Career Fair Preparation Events.
  5. CSN goes out today! Check your TerpMail. 

CS Announcement for the week of 2/10/2025

  1. Summer course permissions will be granted starting today.  Please reach out your advisor.  Summer Registration opens next Tuesday, 2/18/2025.  
  2. Deadline for Business Minors Application is 02/17/2025 @11:59PM.  
  3. Check out the Scholarship Information page for more details on new opportunities. 
  4. International Love Data Week (2/10/2025 - 2/14/2025) : "Whose Data Is It, Anyway?" Check out the Events
  5. Career Fairs!
    1. CS Career Fair Monday, 2/24/2025 11am - 6pm 
    2. UCC Career & Internship Fair 2/26/25 - 2/28/2025 11:00am - 4:00pm
    3. Check out Workshop/Events for Career Fair Prep

CS Announcement for the week of 2/3/2025

  1. Schedule adjustment ends this Friday, 2/7/2025.  Finalize your adjustment by 10:00pm on 2/7/2025! 
  2. Summer course permissions can be requested starting next Monday, 2/10/2025. 
  3. Summer course registration opens Tuesday, 2/18/2025. 
  4. Study Abroad Fair this afternoon! 
  5. Please complete Undergraduate Advising Suggestion Survey
  6. CSN is going out today! Check your terpmail. 

CS Announcement for the week of 1/27/2025

Welcome Back Terps! Yay Spring!

1-Applications for QUEST and the Business School minors are now open! Information sessions will be held soon! 

      A-Applications for the  Business School minors will remain open until February  17th, 2025 @11:59pm

      B-The deadline for  QUEST applications is January 29th, 2025

2-Spring 2025 Schedule Adjustment (January 27-February 7) Drop-In Advising every day this week (27th-31st) from 1:00pm- 3:00pm. Feel free to stop by during these hours for assistance with your schedule adjustments!

3-If you are planning to request a graduate course/CMSC499A/CMSC498A, the deadline is today. Please reach out to your advisor as soon as possible to initiate.

CMSC Course Schedule Update

Spring 2025 Schedule Update: STIC courses are added!

CMSC389O and CMSC398N

CMSC Course Schedule Update

CMSC434 section 0501 is open now. 

See details here